Criminal law in the corporate setting
Corporate Compliance
Lawyers who specialize in corporate compliance
Compliance programs
By analysing the risks and the company’s specific operations, our corporate compliance specialists can create awareness and early detection systems. In the event of a possible error or non-compliance situation, we implement corrective protocols that allow the company to correct its actions or, at least, minimize damages.
In addition, the Criminal Code grants important advantages if the author of the illicit act has fraudulently evaded the control systems. The corporate compliance program can exonerate the company of its criminal liability, to the extent of avoiding its dissolution.
Corporate criminal risks
Companies face risks in areas like the following, among others:
Cyber criminality and disclosure of trade secrets
Criminally relevant insolvency
Computer damages
Intellectual and industrial property, market- and consumer-related offences
Money laundering
Tax and social security offences
Urban planning offences
Environmental offences
Influence peddling and corruption