Dr. Fermín Morales Prats

Managing Partner
Full Professor of Criminal Law, Autonomous University of Barcelona

Fermín Morales is a Professor in criminal law in the University Autonoma of Barcelona.

He has a Law degree from the University of Barcelona (1975-1980).

He was assistant professor of Criminal Law at the University of Barcelona (1981-1983) and completed his PhD in Criminal Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Barcelona (1982-1983).

He taught Criminal Law in Lérida (1983-1986) and at the University of Barcelona (1986-1991).

He obtained the chair at the University of Cantabria (1991-1992, May 31, 1991), the University of Lérida (1992-1994, June 10, 1992) and the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1994 to date; chair he finally obtained on September 15, 1994).

He has been a sitting professor of Criminal Law at the Autonomous University of Barcelona since 1994.

He has taught at the Institute of Criminology of the University of Barcelona (1997-2000), at the Ramon LLull University ESADE (1998-2012), combined his role as professor and director of the area of Economic Criminal Law in the Master for Corporate Lawyers at the University of Barcelona (1999-200), and in the area of White-collar crime in the Master of International Business Law at ESADE (2005-2012).

He teaches at the Master in Legal Practice at the University Ramón Llull ESDAE (2014 to date).

He is the director of the journal Derecho y Proceso Penal, Editorial Thompson Reuters-Aranzadi since 2011 and was its co-director before that, from 1999 to 2011.

He was a member of the Statutory Commission of the Futbol Club Barcelona (and has been the president of the Anti-Doping Committee of the Royal Spanish Tennis Federation since 2009).

He speaks Spanish, Catalan, Italian and German.

He has participated in research projects outside of Spain:

  • June-September 1985, Freiburg im Breisgau (Germany). Research fellow in the field of tax crimes, at the Max Planck Institut für Ausländisches und Internationales Strafrecht.
  • June 1986, guest lecturer at the University of Parma (Italy), by the Prof. Alessio Lanzi, sitting professor of criminal law, to teach the course on white-collar crime.
  • June-September 1987, Freiburg (Germany), professor-researcher for the Max Planck Institut für Ausländisches und Internationales Strafrecht in order to issue the investigation report “Umweltschutz durch Strafrecht National und Transnational – Landes bericht Spanien für das Projekt Umweltstrafrecht” (National and international environmental criminal protection. Spanish section of the Environmental Criminal Protection Project).
  • June-September 1988, research fellow DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst) in Freiburg (Germany), at the Institut für Kriminologie und Wirtschaftsrecht, white-collar crime department, under the supervision of Prof. Klaus Tiedemann.
  • 1999-2000 Guest lecturer at the Law Faculty of Trento (Italy), to teach courses on personal data protection, automation and cybercrime.

He has participated in R&D projects, as director and researcher:

- 1993 "Socioeconomic crimes".

- 1994-1996 "Crimes against the Public Treasury".

- 1998-1999 "Crimes against the Public Administration".

- 1999-2000 "Fight against cybercrime".

- 1999-2000, Participation in R&D projects of particular importance with companies and/or Administrations. Falcone Project of the European Union "Fight against cybercrime" (leading researcher).

He has been awarded several prizes for his professional career:

- Excellency award for his PhD thesis, on May 10, 1983, titled "La intimidad en el Derecho Penal Español" (Privacy under Spanish Criminal Law), under the direction of Prof. Dr. Octavio Pérez Vitoria Moreno (sitting Professor of criminal law), Cum Laude. Excellency award, ranking no. 1 in the course 1982-1983, issued by the rectorate of the University of Barcelona on September 27, 1984.

- January 1999: Medal of the Barcelona Bar Association, in recognition of his personal and professional career.

- Fermín Morales and his team have been selected as one of the best teams in the field of Dispute Resolution Corporate Crime Spain, by Chambers Europe, from 2008 to date.

- Best Lawyers directory since 2012.

- Fermín Morales was awarded lawyer of the year in criminal defence by the Best Lawyers directory, from 2010 to 2017.

- He was appointed member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian online portal Discrimen, focused on criminal law scientific content, on April 19, 2018.

- National Law Awards 2019, in the category "Criminal Law".

- Appointed as Honorary Member by ESERP Bussines Law School (CONSEDOC), medal for professional merit on July 4, 2019.

- Appointed as evaluator on the procedure to obtain a chair at the Abad Oliba University of Valencia in June 2019.

- Fermín Morales has been appointed Full Member of the Royal European Academy of Doctors in Law on November 5, 2015

Photography: Carlos González Armesto